Building the
next generation
of African investors

A first-ever executive program to boost your career in PE, VC & Private Debt in Africa:

  • Meet investors from leading African funds
  • Access the best use cases to level-up your industry knowledge
  • Join a network of tier-1 investors in Africa
  • The waiting list is now open for the fourth cohort, starting in summer 2025.

Takes about 5 minutes

Client Stories

Talks and mentoring with emblematic investors

Engage with African investors to share best practices, industry knowledge and technical focuses.

and more...

Why join?

Join African Private Equity Fellowship, an initiative launched by Proparco with the support of leading African funds.

This program is made for you if you are:

  • An active finance professional in Africa (PE, VC, Debt...)
  • Willing to accelerate your career
  • Willing to develop your network
  • Ready to commit up to 3 hours per week for 6 months

A program by

In partnership with

Under the initiative of

En quelques chiffres

What you get

Topics covered during the Fellowship include :

  • Major trends in private equity in Africa
  • Macro risk management
  • Financing/debt: focus on private credit in Africa
  • The strong growth of Venture Capital in Africa
  • ESG in private equity in Africa
  • Sector focus: Infrastructure Energy, Telco/FinTech, Healthcare, Agri-food etc.
  • Regional focus: East & South Asia, MENA, West Africa etc.

At the end of the Fellowship, participants will join our growing community of next-generation African Investors.

Your commitment

  • The program is designed for active professionals, with mandatory webinars every two weeks after working hours. The Fellowship is 100% online and totally free of charge.
  • 2-3 hours per week max, over a 6 months period. This includes both synchronous (mandatory) webinars and asynchronous times (optional MOOC, mentorship etc..).
  • Commitment and rigour are expected from the Fellows, with regard to the quality of the stakeholders involved in the programme.
Talks and Q&A sessions

with investors and experts from tier-1 PE / VC / Debt funds

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps.

Exclusive African use cases

and training modules to level-up your skills and industry knowledge

“Office Hours” sessions

to ask all your questions and connect with other fellows

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps.

Library of external resources

to deep dive on specific topics and access templates and use cases

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps.

Alumni community

Join a network of tier-1 investors in Africa

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps.

proposition de valeur

Mais aussi...

Un contenu unique

Profitez d’un contenu unique construit par des entrepreneurs pour des entrepreneurs, comprenant à la fois des cours, des vidéos, des outils et des témoignages.

Des clés de réussite

Acquérez toutes les clés de réussite d’une aventure entrepreneuriale, prenez conscience des erreurs à éviter, et profitez des conseils d'entrepreneurs aguerris.

Les bon réflexes de l'entrepreneur

Adoptez les bons réflexes de l’entrepreneur, en validant et testant votre idée de startup.

Un pitch deck parfait

Apprenez à pitcher votre projet et soyez guidés dans la création de votre deck.


Selection criteria

The waiting list is now open for the fourth cohort, starting in summer 2025.

The program is open to investment professionals, from the whole African continent and promote synergies between regions. We will pay particular attention to achieving gender parity in the program.

Applicants will be selected according to these criteria:

  • Already working in PE / VC / Private Debt (or working in Finance and willing to initiate your career in those sectors)
  • Working with the African continent
  • English-speaking (fluent)
  • Have 2 to 6 years of experience in PE / VC / Private Debt
  • Available to attend the program : approximately 2/3 hours per week
Group photo

Application details

  • The waiting list is now open for the fourth cohort, starting in summer 2025.

An initiative by Proparco

Proparco is a subsidiary of Agence Française de Développement (AFD Group) dedicated to the private sector, and has been working for over 40 years to promote sustainable economic, social and environmental development. Proparco is involved in financing and supporting companies and financial institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Its action is focused on key development sectors: infrastructure with a focus on renewable energy, agribusiness, financial institutions, health, education, etc.
Under the French initiative Choose Africa, fulfilling France’s commitment to support African entrepreneurship, AFD Group makes all its tools available to African start-ups, microenterprises and MSMEs to finance and assist them at the various stages of their development, particularly through local partners supported by the Group.


In partnership with

Campus Groupe AFD is the entity of the AFD Group dedicated to training partners and sharing knowledge and experience. It offers an original pedagogical approach to major economic, social and environmental transitions. Its innovative methodologies, based on the cross-fertilization of knowledge, the promotion of collective intelligence and active learning formats, enable development actors to learn differently and to acquire the skills and attitudes necessary for the success of high-impact initiatives, projects and policies.

France Invest
is a professional organization bringing together nearly 400 French management companies and nearly 180 consulting firms. France Invest promotes their work in supporting unlisted companies and their central role in a vibrant economy. France Invest's members enable institutional and private investors alike to support growing companies and finance infrastructure that improves the lives of French people.

Other partners

Frequently Asked Questions


You are a potential candidate and have questions about the program?

You or your company want to contribute to the Fellowship? Let us know